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Sunday, April 5, 2009

On Friday I didn't have to work so I went hiking. We started at 8:30 and got done at about 1:30. It was perfect weather! We hiked the Bluff Springs loop. I had fun. The first half of the loop was soo pretty. Lots of canyons and little pools of water. The second half felt more like death valley but it was still fun. We saw a desert tortoise! I loved it! I would never expect to ever see a turtle in the wild! haha but he was just taking a stroll along the trail. That was my favorite part of the hike!


Terri said...

I am so impressed! That turned out really beautiful. Go to our blog at
I don't update it very often, but I try!

Terri said...

oops. I meant to comment on your previous post about your bookshelf.

emily said...

Haha that tortoise cracks me up...and whos dog?

Shelbie said...

I have no idea who's dog that is! he just followed us the whole way. he kept giving me a flat tire

Becca said...

Hey Shelbie this is Becca, I found you through Hillary's blog. Just wanted to say hi. Oh and I love your makeover you did with your bookshelves. It looks Awesome!!

jilliann said...

hey shelbie! it's Jill (Quintero)... anyway just found your blog and thought I'd say hello!


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