SEO Services UK

Friday, September 10, 2010

This morning on my way to work, (Thursday) driving down Mckellips some guy smacked into me. It made a very loud crunch, as I felt his car bash into mine. All I could think was "I don't even care how bad it looks back there, all I know is that it's not my fault!"
(you would be thinking that too if you had my driving violation record.)
yes we were both ok. He was soaked with his coffee, and I had my slimfast all over my lap and steering wheel.
Judging by my pictures from my phone, I'd say that my car won.
His was pretty bashed. The funny part was when he was examining his car, he found deep scratches on the rims of the opposite side of the car that his girlfriend never told him about.
The moral of the story is, Don't go bashing your car into other peoples cars.
The end.



Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hello there.
Over at my other blog I just posted another dresser I finished.
CLICK HERE to take you there to see it!
Or you could click on the Giant Button to the Right in case you didn't know how to get there.


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